Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Week of September 8th

Snack Week: Elise Friday’s Memory: Know that the Lord, He is God! It is God who made us, and we are His. Psalm 100:3 Monday: Art: we will be mixing red and blue. Test over upper and lower case letters A-F. We will be talking about things that we taste. Tuesday: Gym: we will playing soccer. Letter G Day: garden, gate, giraffe, glass, globe, glove, glue, goggles, golf ball, goose, gorilla, gourd, grapes, grass. We will taste test salty, sweet, sour, and bitter things. Wednesday: Memory. Computers. Gym: we will playing soccer. Math test over shapes. Letter H Day: hammer, handkerchief, handle, hanger, harmonica, hat, hay, heart, helicopter, hen, hippopotamus, holly, honey, hoop, horn, horse, hot dog, house. We will read “A Farm” book to Mr. Garcia’s class. We will feel different things in guess bags. Thursday: Chapel. Library. Spanish. Letter I Day: ice cream container, ice cube tray, ice skates, icicle, igloo, iguana, Indian, infant, ink, insects, iris, iron, ironing board, island, ivy. We will see how many senses we can use at one time! Friday: Memory. Music with Miss Abraham. Letter J Day: jacket, jack-in-the–box, jack-o-lantern, jam, jar, jeans, jeep, Jell-O, jelly, jellybeans, jet, jewels, juice, jump rope. We will read “The Lunch” book to Mr. Garcia’s class. We will have a test over our senses.

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