Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Week of October 7th

Snack Week:  Charlie’s

Memory:  Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens.  Psalm 36:5

Monday:    Chapel.  Letter U Day:   ukulele, umbrella, umpire, uncle, underwear, unicorn, unicycle, uniform. We will add the intestines to our bodies in the hallway. 

Tuesday:  Gym.  Library.  Computers.  Letter V Day:  vacuum cleaner, valentine, van, vase, Velcro, velvet, vest, vine, vinegar, violets, violin, volleyball.   We will watch the Magic School Bus Movie, “Gets Eaten.” 

Wednesday:  Computers.  Spanish.  Music.  Letter W Day:   wagon, wallet, wallpaper, walnut, washcloth, wastebasket, watch, watermelon, waxed paper, whale, wheel, whisk broom, windmill, window, wishbone, wood.  We will add our bones to our bodies so we have shape!   

Thursday:   Gym.  Art.  Letter X Day: x-ray, xylophone, x’s.    We will add the muscles to our bodies.  These allow us to move. We will watch Magic School Bus, “Flexes Its Muscles”. 

Friday:  Spanish.  Art.  Please return the “Shape” books.  Letter Y Day:   yacht, yak, yam, yardstick, yarn, yogurt, yo-yo.   We will color clothes on our bodies to protect the insides!

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