Friday, September 27, 2013
Frankenlust Fire Department
Thank you to all the firefighters that helped today!! We had a great time! Thank you to the parents who drove too!!![](
The Week od September 30th
Memory: The Lord is faithful in all His words. Psalm 145:13.
Monday: Music with Miss Abraham. Letter R Day: rabbit, radio, raft, rag, raincoat, rainbow, raisins, rake, rattle, reindeer, ribbon, ring, robot, rock, rocket, roller skates, rolling pin, rooster, rope, rug, ruler. We will find non-living things outside and inside.
Tuesday: Gym, we will play soccer. Letter S Day: sack, sailboat, sand, sand paper, scale, scarf, scissors, seashell, seeds, shirt, shoes, sled, snake, soap, sock, spider, sponge, spoon, stamps, star, string, suitcase.
Wednesday: Spanish. Art: we will finger paint and mix yellow and blue together again. We will have a test over letters A-S. We will learn what living plants need to survive.
Thursday: Chapel. Computers. Library. Memory. Letter T Day: : sack, sailboat, sand, sand paper, scale, scarf, scissors, seashell, seeds, shirt, shoes, sled, snake, soap, sock, spider, sponge, spoon, stamps, star, string, suitcase. We will learn the parts of a plant today. We will go outside and see the new buds for next year on the trees. The Parent/Teacher/Child conferences are after school and in the evening. I look forward to meeting with you!
Friday: No School.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Making K's with slime
Thursday, September 12, 2013
The Week of September 16th
Daily Events:
Memory: Trust in the Lord with all your heart! Proverbs 3:5
Monday: Music with Miss Abraham. Letter J Day: jacket, jack-in-the–box, jack-o-lantern, jam, jar, jeans, jeep, Jell-O, jelly, jellybeans, jet, jewels, juice, jump rope. We will learn about the sun and how to keep safe in the sun.
Tuesday: Gym, we will play soccer. Letter K Day: kaleidoscope, kangaroo, ketchup, kettle, key, kimono, king, kitchen, kite, kitten, kiwi fruit, koala. We will learn about the clouds and what are some things they bring to us.
Wednesday: Spanish. Art: we will finger paint and mix blue and red together. Letter L Day: lace, ladder, ladle, ladybug, lamb, lamp, lantern, leaf, leash, lemon, letter, lettuce, lid, lime, lion, lizard, lobster, lock, locket, log. We will add rain to our weather books. We will learn how and why it rains.
Thursday: Chapel. Computers. Library. Letter M Day: macaroni, magazine, magnet, magnifying glass, mailbox, map, maraca, mask, milk carton, mirror, mitten, monkey, monster, moon, mop, motorcycle, mouse, muffin tin, music box. The book “Go Play” will come home. We will learn about different kinds of storms. The children will be able to choose the storm they want to draw for their book!
Friday: Spanish. Test over letters A-M. We will finally add the wind to our books. We will see some damage that wind can do and how it is also helpful.
Friday, September 6, 2013
The Week of September 8th
We sing at church on Sunday at the 10:30 service. After church we will have our back to school picnic and a potluck.
Wednesday night at 6:00 will be our school’s information and first PTO meeting. I would like to see everyone there. I will be showing you how to use the school’s grading system and Envisions Math for your child to use at home. You will get passwords to both that night.
Daily Events:
Memory: God is love. 1 John 4:16
Monday: Music with Miss Abraham. Letter F Day: fan, farm, feather, felt, fern, fire engine, fish, flag, flamingo, flower, flute, fly, football, fork, frog, fur. We will add our small and large intestines and learn that the small ones mash our food and then our large ones make poop.
Tuesday: Gym, we will play soccer. Test over letters A-F. We will add our liver. We will learn that our livers clean our blood and we cannot live without them. The book, “The Lunch” will come home.
Wednesday: Spanish. Art: we will finger paint and mix blue and red together. Letter G Day: garden, gate, giraffe, glass, globe, glove, glue, goggles, golf ball, goose, gorilla, gourd, grapes, grass. We will learn that bones give us our shapes. We will read the book, “The Lunch” to the 5th and 6th graders.
Thursday: Chapel. Computers. Library. Letter H Day: hammer, handkerchief, handle, hanger, harmonica, hat, hay, heart, helicopter, hen, hippopotamus, holly, honey, hoop, horn, horse, hot dog, house. We will add our muscles to our bodies. We will learn that they allow us to move and bend. The book “School” will come home.
Friday: Spanish. Letter I Day: ice cream container, ice cube tray, ice skates, icicle, igloo, iguana, Indian, infant, ink, insects, iris, iron, ironing board, island, ivy. Today will color our skin. We will watch the Magic School Bus Movie, “Inside Ralphie”. We will read the “School” book to the 5th and 6th graders.
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