Monday, October 28, 2013

Pictures from Special Person's Day

The Week of October 28th

Wednesday’s Memory: Love the Lord your God, and serve Him with all your heart. Deuteronomy 11:13 Friday’s Memory: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. 1Timothy 1:15 Monday: No School. Tuesday: Gym, we will use scooters in the gym. Letter D Ending: hand, pad, sod, rod, dad, food, seed, raid, tide, grid, ground, gold, card. We will learn about dessert plants and what it looks like. We will make a picture of it! Wednesday: Memory. Spanish. Computers. Letter P Beginning: pail, paintbrush, pajamas, pan, pancake, paper, parachute, parrot, paste, peanut butter, peanuts, pear, pen, pencil, penny, pie pan, pig, pillow, pine cone, pizza, placemat, plate, popcorn, post card, potato, pumpkin, puppet, puppy. We will learn about the forest life. We will make a picture of this habitat. Thursday: Chapel. Library. Art with Mr. M. Letter P Ending: cap, wipe, hip, trip, ship, cup, sap, sheep, pop, mop. We will make a mountain scene and learn about living there. Friday: Memory. Spanish. We will read “We Go” book to Mr. Garcia’s class. We will learn about the plains and what grows there. We will make some fields!

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Week of October 21st

Memory: Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears. 1 Samuel 3:9 Monday: Music with Miss Abraham. Letter M Beginning: macaroni, magazine, magnet, magnifying glass, mailbox, map, maraca, mask, milk carton, mirror, mitten, monkey, monster, moon, mop, motorcycle, mouse, muffin tin, music box. We will learn that pumpkins grow on vines and start out as seed. Tuesday: Gym, we will use scooters in the gym. Letter M Ending: ham, ram, lime, slime, dime, home, trim, rim, mom, vacuum, broom. We will guess how many seeds are in a little pumpkin and a big pumpkin and then find out! We will make pumpkin pie today. Wednesday: Spanish. Art: we will learn about cool colors and paint a fall tree with them with Q-tips. We will make torn paper pumpkins. Thursday: Chapel. Computers. Library. Letter D Beginning: daisy, dandelion, deer, diaper, dice, dime, dinosaur, dishpan, dog, doll, domino, donkey, door, doughnut, dress, drum, duck, dustpan. Math test over one and two more or less. We will make a pumpkin man today. We will make pumpkin bread today. Friday: Memory. Special Person’s Day! School dismisses at 11:30! We will read “We Go” books to our special person today!!

Leaman's Green Apple Barn

Thank you to Mr. Panzner for driving to Leaman's. We had a wonderful day and time!!

Monday, October 14, 2013