Monday, October 26, 2015

The Week of October 26th

Daily Events

Snack Week:  Lindsey

Memory:  Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears.  1 Samuel 3:9

Monday:  Letter S Beginning:  sack, sailboat, sand, sand paper, scale, scarf, scissors, seashell, seeds, shirt, shoes, sled, snake, soap, sock, spider, sponge, spoon, stamps, star, string, suitcase. We will make a pumpkin book.  We will make pumpkin pie today. 
Tuesday:  Gym.  Computers.  Library.  Letter S Ending:  lips, bus, press, crates, grass, brass, moss, floss, plus, hands, legs, wings.  We will learn about the parts of a pumpkin. 
Wednesday:  Computers.  Music.  Letter M Beginning:  macaroni, magazine, magnet, magnifying glass, mailbox, map, maraca, mask, milk carton, mirror, mitten, monkey, monster, moon, mop, motorcycle, mouse, muffin tin, music box.  We will make pumpkin bread today. 
Thursday:  Gym.  Spanish.  Art.  Letter M Ending: ham, ram, lime, slime, dime, home, trim, rim, mom, vacuum, broom. We will decorate the pumpkins and make some hypothesis today about the gourds. 
Friday:  Memory.  Please return the book, “We Go.”  We will read them to our special person! We will make something with our special person.  We dismiss today at 11:30. 

Making Pumpkin Pie

The Kindergarten Class visits Leaman's Apple Barn

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Week of October 5th

Snack Week:  Bethany


Memory:  God is great. God is good.  He kept his promises like He said He would.


Monday:  Letter R Day: rabbit, radio, raft, rag, raincoat, rainbow, raisins, rake, rattle, reindeer, ribbon, ring, robot, rock, rocket, roller skates, rolling pin, rooster, rope, rug, ruler.  We will add our intestines to our bodies.  We will watch the Magic School Bus Movie, “Ralphie gets Eaten.”

Tuesday:  Gym.  Library.  Computers.  Letter S Day:  sack, sailboat, sand, sand paper, scale, scarf, scissors, seashell, seeds, shirt, shoes, sled, snake, soap, sock, spider, sponge, spoon, stamps, star, string, suitcase.  We will add our liver to the bodies and learn that it cleans our blood.  

Wednesday:  Computers. Music.  I will test the children over their letters A-S and words.  We will add our bones to our bodies and learn that they give us shape!   

Thursday: Chapel.  Spanish.  Art.  Gym.  Letter T Day: tablecloth, tambourine, tape, teapot, teddy bear, telephone, television, tennis racket, ticket, tiger, tooth paste, toothbrush, top, tractor, train, tray, tree, triangle, tricycle, truck, t-shirt, turtle. We will add the muscles to our bodies.  These allow us to move.     

Friday:  Spanish.  Art.  Letter U Day:  ukulele, umbrella, umpire, uncle, underwear, unicorn, unicycle, uniform.  We will color our bodies and put clothes on them because our insides of our bodies are protected with skin and clothes.

Learning about our bones

Jack, the skeleton, is visiting our classroom for a couple of days.  Today we added our bones to our bodies.   We learned they give our bodies shape.  They are hard and can break.  We also learned that milk keeps them strong!