Friday, September 30, 2016

The Week of October 3rd

Snack Week:  Elaina’s

Memory:  I will bless you.  Genesis 12:2

Monday:    Music.  We will watch the Magic School Bus Movie, “Gets Eaten.”

Tuesday:  Gym.  Library.  Computers.  We will add our liver to the bodies and learn that it cleans our blood.  

Wednesday:  Computers.  Spanish.  Music.  We will add our bones to our bodies and learn that they give us shape!  
Thursday: Chapel.  Art.  Gym.  Letter N Day: napkin, necklace, necktie, nest, net, newspaper, nickel, nightgown, noodles, numbers, nutcracker, nuts.  We will add the muscles to our bodies.  These allow us to move. We will watch Magic School Bus, “Flexes Its Muscles”. 

Friday:  Spanish.  Art.  Letter O Day:  oar, oatmeal box, octopus, oil, olives, onion, orange, ornament, ostrich, otter, oval, oven, overalls, owl, ox, oyster.  We will color our bodies and put clothes on them because our insides of our bodies are protected with skin and clothes.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Pictures from fire Safety

practicing getting out of our bedroom in a fire......

The Week of September 26th

Snack Week:  Ava’s

Memory:  Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his.  Psalm 100:3

Monday:   Music. Letter M Day:  macaroni, magazine, magnet, magnifying glass, mailbox, map, maraca, mask, milk carton, mirror, mitten, monkey, monster, moon, mop, motorcycle, mouse, muffin tin, music box.  We will add our brain to our bodies and learn what it controls. 
Tuesday:  Gym.  Computers.  Library.   AIMS Testing.   We will add our hearts to our bodies and learn what it does for us!   
Wednesday:  Computers. Spanish.  Testing over letters A-M.  We will add the lungs to our bodies. 

Thursday: Chapel.  Gym.  Art.    Bench mark testing in reading.  We will add our stomach and intestines to our bodies.  We will watch the Magic School Bus Movie “Gets Eaten.”
Friday: Art. Spanish.  “To Sam” books due back. Field trip to Frankenlust Fire Department.  Please wear your St. Paul shirts. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Senses Pictures

The Week of September 18th

Snack Week:  April’s

Memory:  Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Proverbs 3:5

Monday:  Music.  Letter I Day: ice cream container, ice cube tray, ice skates, icicle, igloo, iguana, Indian, infant, ink, insects, iris, iron, ironing board, island, ivy.  We will learn what to do when our clothes catch on fire.  STOP. DROP, ROLL!
Tuesday:  Gym.  Computers.  Library.   Letter J Day:  lace, ladder, ladle, ladybug, lamb, lamp, lantern, leaf, leash, lemon, letter, lettuce, lid, lime, lion, lizard, lobster, lock, locket, log. The book “School” will come home. We will practice what to do if we are sleeping and a fire alarm goes off.  We will find two different ways out of our classroom. 

Wednesday:  Computers.  Spanish.  HOMEWORK SHEET DUE!  Please return the book “School” and we will read them to the 5th and 6th graders. Letter K Day: kaleidoscope, kangaroo, ketchup, kettle, key, kimono, king, kitchen, kite, kitten, kiwi fruit, koala.  We will learn about things we shouldn’t touch at home. 

Thursday: Chapel.  Gym.  Art. Letter L Day lace, ladder, ladle, ladybug, lamb, lamp, lantern, leaf, leash, lemon, letter, lettuce, lid, lime, lion, lizard, lobster, lock, locket, log.  Math test today over placement words.  The book “Go Play” will come home.  We will learn about the clothes that protect the firefighters and some of the equipment they use. 

Friday:  Memory.  Spanish.  Art.  Letter M Day.  macaroni, magazine, magnet, magnifying glass, mailbox, map, maraca, mask, milk carton, mirror, mitten, monkey, monster, moon, mop, motorcycle, mouse, muffin tin, music box. Please return the book “Go Play” and we will read them to the 5th and 6th graders.  We will watch a movie about fire safety. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Our Senses Pictures