Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Friday, October 22, 2021
The Week of October 25th.....
Student of the Week: Espen
Friday’s Memory: He’s the light and He’ll light the way. His name is Jesus and He came to save us.
Monday: Music.
Letter D Ending: hand, pad, sod, rod,
dad, food, seed, raid, tide, grid, ground, gold, card. We will leaving at 12:10 so drivers please be
here at 12 with your licenses and go to the office first.
Gym. Computers. Happy Birthday
Taylor! Pajama
Day! Letter P Beginning: pail, paintbrush,
pajamas, pan, pancake, paper, parachute, parrot, paste, peanut butter, peanuts,
pear, pen, pencil, penny, pie pan, pig, pillow, pine cone, pizza, placemat,
plate, popcorn, post card, potato, pumpkin, puppet, puppy. We will make bats.
Library. Computers. Letter P Ending: cap, wipe, hip, trip, ship, cup, sap, sheep,
pop, mop. We will make skeletons.
Wear your MICHIGAN or MSU wear to
school! Please return the book,
“Flowers”. We will take about Halloween
Friday: ½ Day of School Today! Chapel. Memory.
VIP Day! Trunk or treat at 5:30.
SUNDAY: We sing in church at the beginning of the 10:30 service. We will meet in the Narthex, and then
they will come and sit with you after they sing.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
The Week of October 18th
Student of the Week: Emerson
Memory: Who can we turn to? Who is our rescue? There is someone He’s the answer
Monday: Letter S Ending: lips, bus, press, crates, grass, brass, moss,
floss, plus, hands, legs, wings. We will
learn about pumpkins growing.
Tuesday: Picture Day! Gym. Computers.
Letter M Beginning: macaroni,
magazine, magnet, magnifying glass, mailbox, map, maraca, mask, milk carton,
mirror, mitten, monkey, monster, moon, mop, motorcycle, mouse, muffin tin,
music box. We will measure our pumpkins
and weigh them.
Wednesday: Computers. Library.
Letter M Ending: ham, ram, lime,
slime, dime, home, trim, rim, mom, vacuum, broom. We will make torn paper pumpkins.
Art. Library. We will make pumpkin men for our bulletin
Friday: Letter D Beginning: daisy,
dandelion, deer, diaper, dice, dime, dinosaur, dishpan, dog, doll, domino,
donkey, door, doughnut, dress, drum, duck, dustpan. We will decorate real pumpkins.