Friday, September 29, 2017

Letter P Day

We wore our pajamas to school.  Max brought us pumpkins.  Emmiley brought us pretzels.  Miss Stanley brought us popcorn and purple punch so we could watch "Bananas in Pajamas, Pajama Party!"  We had pizza for lunch too!  Thanks to everyone who helped make this day fun! 

Here are a few pictures from Letter P Day.....

The Week of October 2nd

Snack Week:  Karen’s
Memory:  I want to walk as a child of the light, I want to follow Jesus.

Monday:   Music. We will add our brain to our bodies and learn what it controls. 
Tuesday:  Gym.  Computers.  Library.   Letter Q Day:  quail, Quaker Oats box, quarter, queen, question mark, quill, quilt, Q-Tips.  We will add our hearts to our bodies and learn what it does for us!   
Wednesday:  Computers. Spanish.  “Colors” book due back. Letter R Day:  rabbit, radio, raft, rag, raincoat, rainbow, raisins, rake, rattle, reindeer, ribbon, ring, robot, rock, rocket, roller skates, rolling pin, rooster, rope, rug, ruler.  We will add the lungs to our bodies. 
Thursday: Chapel.  Gym.  Art.    Letter S Day:  sack, sailboat, sand, sand paper, scale, scarf, scissors, seashell, seeds, shirt, shoes, sled, snake, soap, sock, spider, sponge, spoon, stamps, star, string, suitcase. We will add our stomach to our bodies. 
Friday: Art. Spanish.  “Shapes” book due back. Test over letters A-S.  We will add our intestines to our bodies.  Ask your child what the large intestine produces!  J

Thursday, September 28, 2017


We had to touch the things in the bags and not use our eyes to guess what was in them....(The children took the pictures...)

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Smelling Pictures

We had some great smells to sniff... some good and some not so good....

Tasting Pictures

Yesterday we looked at our taste buds, and today we tasted pickles, lemons, orange peels, unsweetened chocolate, jelly beans, M & M's, potato chips, and pretzels....  Some of the faces were priceless!!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Seeing pictures

We learned about our pupils in our eyes and what they do in the light and in the dark....

The Week of September 25th

Snack Week:  Emmiley’s

Friday’s Memory:  Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.  1Timothy 1:15
Monday:  Music.  AIMS testing.   We will be talking about things that we taste.  We will add it to our books we are making. 

Tuesday:   Gym. Library. Computers. Bench Mark Testing in Reading.  We will tasting some things today to see where on our tongue you taste, salty, sweet, sour, and bitter.
Wednesday:  Computers. Spanish. Letter N Day: napkin, necklace, necktie, nest, net, newspaper, nickel, nightgown, noodles, numbers, nutcracker, nuts.  We will be touching things today and see if we can guess what is in different bags. 
Thursday: Chapel.  Gym.  Art.  Letter O Day: oar, oatmeal box, octopus, oil, olives, onion, orange, ornament, ostrich, otter, oval, oven, overalls, owl, ox, oyster.  We will see how we many senses we are using today at the same time.  We will watch the Magic School Bus Video: Show and Tell. 
Friday:  Memory. Art.  Spanish.  Wear your Pajamas to school today! Letter P Day:  pail, paintbrush, pajamas, pan, pancake, paper, parachute, parrot, paste, peanut butter, peanuts, pear, pen, pencil, penny, pie pan, pig, pillow, pine cone, pizza, placemat, plate, popcorn, post card, potato, pumpkin, puppet, puppy.  We will read “The Lunch” book to Mr. Garcia’s class.  We will have a test over our senses. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Today we learned we can hear through a solid.  We also played the phone game with whispering into someone's ear. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

The Week of September 18th

Snack Week: Ethan’s
Friday’s Memory:  God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.  Genesis 1:31a

Monday:  Music.  Letter J Day:  jacket, jack-in-the–box, jack-o-lantern, jam, jar, jeans, jeep, Jell-O, jelly, jellybeans, jet, jewels, juice, jump rope.  We will start our senses book. 
Tuesday:   Gym.  Computers. Library.   Please return the book:  “School.”  Letter K Day: kaleidoscope, kangaroo, ketchup, kettle, key, kimono, king, kitchen, kite, kitten, kiwi fruit, koala.  We will add hearing to our books.
Wednesday:  Computers.  Spanish.  Letter L Day:  lace, ladder, ladle, ladybug, lamb, lamp, lantern, leaf, leash, lemon, letter, lettuce, lid, lime, lion, lizard, lobster, lock, locket, log.  We will watch the movie: “Magic Schoolbus Inside the Haunted House.”  It is filled with all sorts of sounds!   
Thursday:   Chapel.   Gym.  Art.  Letter M Day:  macaroni, magazine, magnet, magnifying glass, mailbox, map, maraca, mask, milk carton, mirror, mitten, monkey, monster, moon, mop, motorcycle, mouse, muffin tin, music box.  We will add seeing to our 5 Senses books.  We will find things we can only see and then some we can touch and see.
Friday:  Memory. Art.  Spanish.   We will read “Go Play” book to Mr. Garcia’s class.  Test over letters A-M.  We will add smelling to our book.  We will smell different things in little containers.

Frankenlust Fire Department

Thank you to Mrs. Matyas, Mrs. Tuttle, Mrs. Meyer, and Ms. Brozewski for driving.  Thank you to Delano's Grandma for coming with us too!!  We had a great time.