Friday, September 8, 2017

The Week of September 11th

We sing in church this Sunday, September 11, at the 10:30 service.   They will sit with you until they are called up front after the Old Testament lesson.   Then, after church, there is a potluck to welcome Mr.Lustila; there will be games and a bounce house too!

Daily Events:

Snack Week:  Del’s

Memory:  Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Proverbs 3:5

Monday:  Music.  Test over letters A-Z.  We will learn what to do when our clothes catch on fire.  STOP, DROP, ROLL! The book “A Farm” will come home.

Tuesday:  Gym, Computers, Library.   Letter G Day:  garden, gate, giraffe, glass, globe, glove, glue, goggles, golf ball, goose, gorilla, gourd, grapes, grass.  Please return the book “A Farm”, and we will read it to the 5th and 6th graders.  We will practice what to do if we are sleeping and a fire alarm goes off.  We will find two different ways out of our classroom. 
Wednesday:  Computers, Spanish.  HOMEWORK SHEET DUE!  The book “The Lunch” will come home.  Please return the book “School”,  and we will read it to the 5th and 6th graders. Letter H Day: hammer, handkerchief, handle, hanger, harmonica, hat, hay, heart, helicopter, hen, hippopotamus, holly, honey, hoop, horn, horse, hot dog, house.  We will learn about things we shouldn’t touch at home. 
Thursday: Chapel, Gym, Art. Letter I Day: ice cream container, ice cube tray, ice skates, icicle, igloo, iguana, Indian, infant, ink, insects, iris, iron, ironing board, island, ivy.  Math test today over shapes.  Please return the book “The Lunch”, and we will read it to the 5th and 6th graders.  We will learn about the clothes that protect the firefighters and some of the equipment they use.    
Friday:  Memory, Spanish,  Art.  We will leave for the fire house at 10:00!

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