Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Week of November 17th

Daily Events Snack Week: Bailee Lowe Wednesday’s Memory: Snowy, Showy turtle dove, on the rafters from above Friday’s Memory: Coo a song, all night long, What is coming nigh Monday: Computers with Ms. Martin. Letter T Beginning: tablecloth, tambourine, tape, teapot, teddy bear, telephone, television, tennis racket, ticket, tiger, tooth paste, toothbrush, top, tractor, train, tray, tree, triangle, tricycle, truck, t-shirt, turtle. We will be learning about the first Thanksgiving and making a book about that. Tuesday: Spanish. Art with Mrs. Price. Letter T Ending: bat, cat, hat, parrot, nest, kite, elephant, quilt, hut, pit, pot, pet, target, light, boat, coat, note, net, tent, meat, fruit, beet. We will make book about the Pilgrims verses us. Wednesday: Memory. Gym: we will run relays. We will make turkeys. Thursday: Chapel. Library. Letter N Beginning: napkin, necklace, necktie, nest, net, newspaper, nickel, nightgown, noodles, numbers, nutcracker, nuts. We will start a book about turkeys. We will learn their names of a girl, boy and baby turkey. Friday: Memory. Spanish. We will read “A Hat” book to Mr. Garcia’s class. Letter N Ending: nine, green, hen, wren, dragon, onion, can, fan, man, lion, bean, spoon, train, tin, moon. We will finish the book about turkeys. We will learn they can see every well, eat berries, nuts, and bugs, and sleep in trees.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Corn Cob Dolls


Thank you Sandy Behmlander, Virginia Hutter, Carolyn Putz, and Judy Engelhardt for helping us quilt! We got all 9 quilts done!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Week of November 10th

Snack Week: Elise Wednesday’s Memory: Nothing will be impossible with God. Luke 1:37 Friday’s Memory: Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens. Psalm 36:5 Monday: Computers. We will be making quilts today. Tuesday: Spanish. Art. We will be making quilts today. I will be testing over sounds and words. Wednesday: Memory. Gym: Tag. AIMS Testing today. We will make the Mayflower today. Thursday: Chapel. Spanish. Library. Math test over numbers 1-5. Letter H beginning: hammer, handkerchief, handle, hanger, harmonica, hat, hay, heart, helicopter, hen, hippopotamus, holly, honey, hoop, horn, horse, hot dog, house. We will learn about pilgrims life the first year in America. Friday: Memory. Letter H beginning: hammer, handkerchief, handle, hanger, harmonica, hat, hay, heart, helicopter, hen, hippopotamus, holly, honey, hoop, horn, horse, hot dog, house. We will read “In the Park” book to Mr. Garcia’s class. We will learn about the Pilgrim corn dolls. We will make Indian corn with our fingers.

Chippewa Nature Center

We went in a wigwam, played a game of silent creeping up on prey, tried to start a fire, sewed moccasins, and looked at the river.