Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Week of November 17th

Daily Events Snack Week: Bailee Lowe Wednesday’s Memory: Snowy, Showy turtle dove, on the rafters from above Friday’s Memory: Coo a song, all night long, What is coming nigh Monday: Computers with Ms. Martin. Letter T Beginning: tablecloth, tambourine, tape, teapot, teddy bear, telephone, television, tennis racket, ticket, tiger, tooth paste, toothbrush, top, tractor, train, tray, tree, triangle, tricycle, truck, t-shirt, turtle. We will be learning about the first Thanksgiving and making a book about that. Tuesday: Spanish. Art with Mrs. Price. Letter T Ending: bat, cat, hat, parrot, nest, kite, elephant, quilt, hut, pit, pot, pet, target, light, boat, coat, note, net, tent, meat, fruit, beet. We will make book about the Pilgrims verses us. Wednesday: Memory. Gym: we will run relays. We will make turkeys. Thursday: Chapel. Library. Letter N Beginning: napkin, necklace, necktie, nest, net, newspaper, nickel, nightgown, noodles, numbers, nutcracker, nuts. We will start a book about turkeys. We will learn their names of a girl, boy and baby turkey. Friday: Memory. Spanish. We will read “A Hat” book to Mr. Garcia’s class. Letter N Ending: nine, green, hen, wren, dragon, onion, can, fan, man, lion, bean, spoon, train, tin, moon. We will finish the book about turkeys. We will learn they can see every well, eat berries, nuts, and bugs, and sleep in trees.

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