Sunday, November 2, 2014

Daily Events Snack Week: Lillian’s Wednesday’s Memory: I will bless you. Genesis 12:2 Friday’s Memory: The Lord is faithful in all His words. Psalm 145:13 Monday: Computers. Art, we will do cool colors again. Letter P Ending: cap, wipe, hip, trip, ship, cup, sap, sheep, pop, mop. We will learn about tools and things the Native Americans used and things we use today. Tuesday: Spanish. Art with Mrs. Price. Short A beginning: ace, acorn, acrobat, airplane, album, alligator, anchor, angel, ant, apple, apron, arrow, astronaut, avocado, ax. We will make a book about Michigan Native Americans. Wednesday: Memory. Gym : tag. Short A anywhere: acrobat, album, alligator, ant, apple, astronaut, avocado, ax, hat, cat, mat, rat, ham, ram, hand, fan, pan, jam, bat, black. We will learn when the Native Americans dress up in costumes. We will make drums today. We will make Native American heads. Thursday: Chapel. Library. Spanish. We will make a mountain scene and learn about living there. We will make a bowl out of bark (paper). We will make a page for our photo books too. We will make drums today. Friday: Memory. Music with Miss Abraham. We will read “We Carry” book to Mr. Garcia’s class. We will leave for our field trip at 12:15. Please wear your St. Paul shirts today. Please dress for the weather as part of the trip is outside.

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